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Embed IFrame

How to embed IFrame in Zoho Wiki Page?

  1. Copy IFrame code snippets
  2. Edit your Zoho Wiki page.
  3. Click on Widgets icon in the editor toolbar
  4. Click on IFrame Widget in widget dialog box
  5. Paste IFrame code snippets in text box.
  6. Click on Insert button and Save Page.

    ibrahim Etem SANLIER  12 Mar 2018 
    İframe code is not working
    Best Regards
    Richard Newraz  16 Jan 2019 
    I inserted the following code, but unfortunately it doesnt work neither:

    <img width="600" height="300" title="comment" class="zwPluginImage" id="zwpl150312000000151037" style="width: 600px; height: 300px;" src="/pluginImg.zhtml?n=IFrameWidget&wid=50%&hei=800" zpid="150312000000151037">
    cynthiagoode  05 Jun 2019 
    I am trying to insert the following widget code in between some text on a wiki page:

    <iframe id="iframe_htCatalogSearch01" FRAMEBORDER="0" WIDTH="451" HEIGHT="91" SCROLLING="no" MARGINWIDTH="3" MARGINHEIGHT="0"><a href="http://catalog.hathitrust.org">Search the HathiTrust Digital Library Catalog</a></iframe><script type="text/javascript">var ht_url = 'https://www.hathitrust.org/widgets/searchbox_multi.html?referrer=' + window.location.hostname;document.getElementById('iframe_htCatalogSearch01').contentWindow.document.location.href = ht_url;</script>

    The above code comes from HathiTrust's site: https://www.hathitrust.org/widgets

    It's not working. I tried using the IFrame widget insertion feature, but no luck. Any suggestions on how I can make this work? I am comfortable enough (but not an expert) with HTML code so I can follow that if necessary to make this work.

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