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How to embed IFrame in Zoho Wiki Page?
- Copy IFrame code snippets
- Edit your Zoho Wiki page.
- Click on Widgets icon
in the editor toolbar - Click on IFrame Widget in widget dialog box
- Paste IFrame code snippets in text box.
- Click on Insert button and
Save Page.
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İframe code is not working
Best Regards
<img width="600" height="300" title="comment" class="zwPluginImage" id="zwpl150312000000151037" style="width: 600px; height: 300px;" src="/pluginImg.zhtml?n=IFrameWidget&wid=50%&hei=800" zpid="150312000000151037">
<iframe id="iframe_htCatalogSearch01" FRAMEBORDER="0" WIDTH="451" HEIGHT="91" SCROLLING="no" MARGINWIDTH="3" MARGINHEIGHT="0"><a href="http://catalog.hathitrust.org">Search the HathiTrust Digital Library Catalog</a></iframe><script type="text/javascript">var ht_url = 'https://www.hathitrust.org/widgets/searchbox_multi.html?referrer=' + window.location.hostname;document.getElementById('iframe_htCatalogSearch01').contentWindow.document.location.href = ht_url;</script>
The above code comes from HathiTrust's site: https://www.hathitrust.org/widgets
It's not working. I tried using the IFrame widget insertion feature, but no luck. Any suggestions on how I can make this work? I am comfortable enough (but not an expert) with HTML code so I can follow that if necessary to make this work.